{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"In the Ethereum blockchain, who is the recipient of the creation transaction of Ethscriptions?","a":"In the Ethereum blockchain, the recipient of the transaction for creating Ethscriptions is usually a smart contract or an address. These recipient addresses are used to receive and store digital art and other related data created on Ethereum. However, the specific recipient depends on the contract or address chosen by the creator. Ethscriptions is a protocol that allows the creation and sharing of digital art on Ethereum, compared to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), Ethscriptions have more decentralized features and lower costs. When creating an Ethscription transaction, the creator needs to specify a recipient address to receive and manage their digital art."}]}],"pr":"282903bc2ec2259419b22d27c81de7586ece0ae51933aa81e03c98e19ee0b59c"}